February has been a short month that's nearly over, however, it has also been a time of rapid growth in all areas of my life.  At times very challenging and emotive but with the outcome of golden nuggets.  So I am going to share here a summary of what I discovered and it may help you to evaluate your own life path and the boundaries that shape it, so you can decide if you want to make any adjustments. 

As I have shared in other blogs boundary lessons are continual and yet I would say that during in February 2013 my boundaries became much more clearer than ever before.  The holistic healing services I offer which include Readings to help a client to gain clarity, reiki which equally shows where areas of a clients life are blocked and tools I offer for clearing up these blocks, for example, reiki, coaching and NLP all assist in building more defined boundaries and assessing which roles a client is playing and thus which boundaries support them the best in that role. 

Here's some things I discovered:   
One of the biggest lessons/learning's, I have learnt of late is that depending on the role I am in the boundaries and agreements are different.  So in some roles I have agreed to help practically as in my care work role, however, it is not my role to make
choices for the other about the help they receive.  If its not agreed on their care plan I don't have their agreement.  In my father's life he has choices to receive help or not.  He asked for my help in advocating with those who care for him recently.  However, I have not agreed to be helping him day to day, which is why he has chosen to delegate these parts of his life to others.  As a mum of a late teen I have agreed to advocate only if she is really stuck and financially support her whilst in education but we have no agreement that I will make her choices for her.  In my relationship with my beloved I have agreed to share time together and mutually support if it does not infringe on my own wellbeing and soul path.  In my friendships I have agreed to share suggestions if asked but never to make another's choices.  In fact I have shared recently with friends
that since I do not know what their soul path is I cannot judge if they are doing it right or wrong only their energy can tell them that.  In my relationship with myself I have agreed to take care of my body suit and then to follow the synchronicities and energy flows and heart pulls which inform my choices. As a holistic intuitive healer and coach my role is to assist my clients to become more self aware of the patterns showing up in their energy at the moment, gain clarity on any areas that they feel blocked or stuck and then using Reiki, Coaching and NLP assist my clients in taking steps to build the life that would fit them much more self serving ways.  However, it is not my role to advise or decide your next steps.  Saying all of that, having someone to help you to assess your life and to assist you in getting really clear about what you do next is ONE of the greatest gifts you could ever allow yourself.  I am happy to say I know where I begin and where I end in each area of my life because of the tools I have to offer.  Would you like that sort of clarity and assistance to? 

Twitter: @youcanhandleit
[email protected]
You tube: Joanne

Joanne Lovett 
Holistic Healer at Expansion is the Way!
Intuitive readings, Reiki, Coaching and NLP (the tools of the trade to gain the life you want!)

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