I know what is important to me because I know what I value.  Yet, I also know at times I have many things I value and thus I have to prioritize.  I also realize at different times I may need to decide which value over rides.  For example, I love my daughter and partner very much.  I also love my dad, mum sisters and nieces and nephews and some very close friends.  I love people and sharing techniques, tools and ideas and uplifting others.  Yet, I have a barometer that tells me when I am radiating out of balance.  We each have this barometer but don't always listen to it.  Sometimes we feel that all the external demands are in control.  However, just like the light on our dashboard that signals low fuel if its ignored we will realize what the barometer was trying to tell us all along.  WE are out of balance.  So what is this barometer?  If you haven't guessed its our body! 

Our body is actually a Ferrari and if we treat it as such it will run smoothly and purr along, however, if we ignore the odd tinge and the odd ache and get so much into busy work that we forget to eat and live off coffee and high sugar drinks or binge on chocolate then its like putting gunk into our fuel tank.  At first it may chugger along but eventually it will grind to a halt. Then we will need a recovery team either on this side of the veil or the other side if we've impaired our Ferrari too much.

Arrrr but you may say What I need to do is very important and I will say YES it is however, if you cut your trip short then your impact will definitely not be felt.  So its about making a splash but knowing how big a splash to make.  Life is about transitions and some transitions take more time than others.  For example, I am building up my business as a life coach and Holistic Healer.  It is my aim to help uplift others and assist them on the journey that is their best fit! However, there are other areas of my life that I need to also take care of: My health, learning all the different bits about running a business, caring for my daughter and home, working part time as a care worker, ensuring my dad who has medical problems gets the care he needs, updating my blog, Facebook  twitter and You tube pages, so how do I keep a balance: I meditate each day, I use crystals and take sea salt baths and I ask my internal guidance team in this silence to assist me, I use oracles cards and note down any thing I see that answers my silent question, I watch movies/comedies with my partner and sometimes my daughter, I have lie ins and I constantly have to remind myself that my body needs rest.  

My biggest passion aside of my family is uplifting others and yet if I do not take good care of me then my wonderful ferrari will end up at the scrap yard.  I came here to planet earth to assist others yet if I don't assist me then nothing else is possible.  Because as Rhianna says we are like diamonds in the sky.  Yet, what Joanne says at Expansion is the Way! if we don't care for ourselves then we soon lose our sparkle!

Twitter: @youcanhandleit
[email protected]
You tube: Joanne Lovett 

Joanne Lovett 
Life Coach Expansion is the Way!

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