Source Creator some may label as God, Allah, The All that is, and one may also think that the reality we can see with the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell is all that there is.  However, the truth is that there really is more than the eye can see.  In the most simplistic terms the universe is a multitude of frequencies.  So are some better than others? No from the highest perspective none of the frequencies is any better than any other, each just enables a different level of experiencing reality.  

You see each frequency is like a meal on a cosmic buffet.  And so that the All that can experiences its self in the most expanded way possible different Aspects of it divided up and some bits travelled down to the 3D and some to 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D etc all the way up to 12 or more Dimensions.  None better than the other just a different frequency experience enablement.  However, some Aspects spread out even further and Ascended up the dimensions as well as down and yet some just concentrated in the lower dimensions or higher or in between only.  The higher and lower is not to be confused with better or worse or good or bad.  

However, the lower frequencies allow for an experience of contrast that is not possible elsewhere in the dimensions.  Yet, in the higher realms one can have a more birds eye view of the dimensions thus at each dimension there is different types of experience not readily available at the other dimensions to the same degree.  

So you see to enable the contrast in the lower frequencies some dropped their frequency to lowest possible which meant that many times they appeared to be bad guys/girls.  Yet, each Aspect is only ever playing a role to enable on a grand scale the cosmic buffet to be experienced by the All that is.  And the goal is to master as many experiences as possible because this is how The All that is knows itself experimentally.  

Now because in the lower frequencies the Aspect gets very disconnected from Source Creator it is necessary that the majority of the script is already organised to a certain degree so the right people just turn up etc and the right circumstances are already ready to play out at the right time.  

However, since the 21 December 2013, the reconnection for some has meant that those in lower dimensions have more connection to Source Creator and so the creative process can be created in the moment.  And still for others its still in the process of reconnecting and maybe for quite a few years.  

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