Yes you had the old figured out and it was easy.  You had all the programs and tools lined up and knew exactly all of the steps.  But, in order to grow you upgraded.  The upgrade didn't appear like an upgrade. It felt awkward and you
didn't know all the steps and felt held up.  The old is harder to access now because the OLD lessons have been integrated into the NEW but much expanded step.  You can't go backwards.  However, comfortable it was!  

And you haven't yet found your sea legs.  But your Soul wants to expand, not stay in the same place forever.  The way the new experience feels is weird, rough and yet curiosity comes up about how you'll do this, who can help you?  You start something with intentions to complete it and then you realize you don't have the tool you need in that moment.  Your mind rises up and says "How am I ever going to complete this, I am going to fail before I've even begun, this has wasted my time, ARRRGHH!!!!"

But the soul says BREATHE it will all come together.  Just trust that it's all unfolding perfectly even amidst the frustration.  When you are feeling blocked by external things. Computer programs that you don't yet have the tools to open.  Learning new ways to open and perceive the old.  Having to adjust the lens to take in the expanded view.  Remember the old used to feel like this before it was mastered. These HOLD UPS are part of the process. 

Sometimes these hold ups are about learning patience.  Whilst calming the mind chatter that is saying "the external will see me as a failure".  Seeing and hearing all those who were impatient with YOU in the past saying there you go again.  Yet remember YOU never failed, you in fact grew despite them towards the NEW.  And maybe part of their learning process is to remember as it is yours that learning at NEW level is a PROCESS.  Its practicing going with what is.  For what is, is what is and yet ever expanding.  

So I say breathe and remember it's a process!  You can do it just flow with what is and it will all unfold perfectly without struggle, just adjusting bit by bit to the new.  And this will change the energy around the situation.  Maybe the energy has been the issue all along.  

Adjusting is not the same as struggle.  Struggle is splashing about and angry, whereas adjusting is going with what is breathing and reminding oneself it's a process, which includes stop offs!!!!  

Joanne Lovett
[email protected]
Facebook: Expansionisthewaybusiness  
Twitter: @youcandhandleit
You tube:Joanne Lovett
Linked in: Joanne Lovett

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