In any group or dynamic the most dominant energy will act as a tuning fork for the energy that surrounds it.  Every successful person had people around them that supported them.  If you look a person who is miserable and depressed you will usually see them all alone or with some others who are also complaining about their fate.  Also, this explains why group healings work and why it is said that great minds think alike.  Thus, discerning and deciding what groups of energy you support matters if you are not to get burnt out, drained and ending up in energies that make you feel sick. 

I'll give you an example, Jenny had pure intentions of making a difference in the Gallagher household.  She went and sometimes she was able to influence changes.  Mainly when it was supporting the family in gaining something such as extra services or financial support.  However, if Jenny was trying to speak up for the children against something Mr and Mrs Gallagher did not agree with then since they were in the leading roles and had the final say Jenny couldn't influence them.  And then other professionals joined the mix and also were playing leading roles in the various fields.  Jenny was there to support their goals for the family and sometimes those goals conflicted but the leading person present usually got their way, which was usually mum.  And occasionally dad! 

Jenny was so frustrated and could see that many times the children were powerless.  She helped them to learn about dialoguing and discussing things with their parents however they also found that if their parents disagreed then they lost the battle.  And once again the most dominant energies won! 

On one particular week Jenny got sick, I am sure it was brought on by the struggle and challenge of feeling sickened by her lack of control of the group she allowed herself to participate in.  She just couldn't budge the dominant energies.  She began to contemplate what was going on?  And she realised that she was cast in a supporting role.  A supporting role is just that it supports the dominant energies who lead and direct the course.  Jenny also recognised the areas of her life where she was the leading role and the most dominant energy or amongst them and how she tuned the energies as a tuning fork does. 

Armed with this information Jenny made a major decision about whether she wanted to continue supporting the dominant energies of the group she was supporting!  And decided she was going to stop supporting the dominant energies of a group that was being lead in a direction she didn't wish to support.  And she realised this was where she was the most dominant leader in her life, the chooser and discerner of what she participated in! 

Joanne Lovett
[email protected]
Facebook: Expansionisthewaybusiness  
Twitter: @youcandhandleit
You tube: Joanne Lovett
Linked in: Joanne Lovett

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