Most recently I have been faced with some dilemmas and I am going to share them here since they may be things others are going through.  Firstly with my father who has quite complex care needs.  After confusion and deliberation and prayer about these dilemmas.  I was lead to asking a dear human spiritual companion Calista Ascension Writer and Teacher who reminded me of the Spiritual Law of Grace and to check in with my own intentions.  Then I went back to prayer and asked for assistance in understanding the Law of Grace.  I was lead to read about the Law of Grace and the Law of request and later Neale Donald Walsch book and my clarity increased.  I realized that others were reinforcing his dependency unconsciously by their actions. My spiritual companions and my Beloved I am Presence and Mother/Father God speak to me through books among other things.  I firstly went into silence and then asked for clarity and assistance and then the next morning I had the thought to go into my closet and there it was the book by Diane Cooper about the Spiritual Laws.  And then I realized that Neale Donald Walsch book CWG book 2 anniversary edition today clarified further what I was contemplating.  So my prayer was answered.  I had a similar dilemma with my work situation recently so I know this was a big area of my life as a helper/healer/supporter of others in Love rather than over taking. This rounded off a big subject in my life about boundaries which I have been receiving for some time now.  What would love do is a big question that helps us much?  Love is expansive so if it doesn't help another to help themselves within their capabilities is it actually Love or is it wrong use of power and fear?  

I know life is about expanding my awareness and of late this has surely happened and of course awareness is what consciousness is.  I also know that the very fabric of my life is where the magic happens for life is not separate from my spiritual path.  What my body does, what my mind contemplates and what I focus on my prayer, silence moments and meditative moments are all intertwined and that is where balance truly is.  When is helping not helpjng?
Twitter: @youcanhandleit
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Joanne Lovett 
Life Coach Expansion is the Way!

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